"Cinmay" is a stage of religious life .If comes when a devotee Of God is like a bud without mind and cinmay is without intelligence.The devotee of the Cinmay stage obtains Astasiddhi(eight powers); as (i) Anima (ii) Laghima (ii) Mahima (iv) Prapti (v) Byapti (vi) Ishitwa (vii) Prakamya (Viii) Kamabasaita.The Asta Siddhi is nothing but God's power.The devotee is moved by God in this stage and he may do good of other persons but these power will go if the devotee use these powers for his personal interest.It is called "Yughbhrasta". Next life,this devotee will start his meditation from the yugabhrasta.It is told that Narada Muni became Yuga Bhrasta for three times.At last, he won the goal i.e.,going to the world of God.
Sri Sri Ramthakur said that only "nama" was the root of Cinmay(soulful) stage in religious world.