Who Is Sri Sri Ramthakur?

Who Is Sri Sri Ramthakur?

         Sri Sri Ram Thakur or Sri Ram Chandra Chakroborty or Ram Bhai or Ram Thakur is Purna Brahma Abatar(Incarnate).When Brahma,living in all things,leads them,is called Kala Abatar.When Brahma exposes himself as the supreme good of men,is called Ardha Abatar.When Barhma becomes the owner of natural and super natural qualities and appears in the form of living beings of that age to vanish the harmful living beings ,save the saints and finishing his duties and goes to his own world,is called Purna Brahma Abatar,as Kumbwa Abatar,Baraha Abatar(Treta Yuga),Krishna Abatar(Dwapar),Jesus Christ and Sri Sri Ramthakur Abatar(Kali Yuga).
Illusive men think that Purna Barhma Abatar is only a natural man but pure devotee of God thinks that he is Purna Barhma Abatar.
The characteristics which are stated below one by one ,show that Sri Sri Ram thakur is nothing but Purna Brahma Abatar in Kali Yuga;as,

(i) Ayouni sambhuta(without womb)

                                          "youni" in sanskrit means "Womb" ,"Ayouni" means a "man was not born".Sri Sri Ram Thakur was not born as general people were born .He appeared; as, Ram of Treta Yuga,Sri Krishna of Dwapar Yuga and Jesus Christ of Kali Yuga.
At first,Sri Krishna appeared with four hands to his mother .Then he appeared with two hands and he was known as the son of Debaky.Eating the banana of yanga Kowshalya got Bishnu as Ram.God Jesus Christ appeared as the son of Marry.
According to the natuaral identity Sri Sr Ramthakur was the son of Sri Radhamadhab Chakraborty and Srimati Kamala Devi but according to the supernatural power Sri Sri Ramthakur was not born as general people were born.srimati Kamala Devi felt pregnancy and delivered a bag of blood in due time without any baby for which the foster-mother threw it into a dustbin in the garden of nut.Sri Radhamadhab Chakroborty who was Tantrik and lived at panchabati adjacent to his house,came in his room and wanted to know the condition of his wife.The foster-mother said that Srimati kamala Devi delivered nothing but a bag of blood which was thrown in the garden of nut but Sri Radhamadhab Chakroborty was not satisfied with this information as he knew,in meditation ,that a greatman was born in his family.So ,he went forward to the bag thrown in the garden of nut,as he was advancing to the spot he found that two babies were lying under the guidance of a fox but it went when he reached the babies and took them in his lap and coming to his house he gave his wife the babies.The babies were Ram and Laxman.Among them Ram was older than Laxman(Sri Sri Ramthakur life with reference to his Bibhuti-prof.Dinesh Chandra Banarjee).
Sri Sri Ramthakur appeared at 9/10 A.M. Thrusday,21 Magha,1266 Bengali(2-2-1860 A.D) Maghi 10th Tithi Rarhiya Bharatdwaj Brahman family at Dinghamanik in Faridpur(Bangladesh).

(ii) Without food and bath:
                    Sri Sri Ram Thakur wasn't found to take food and bath in his boyhood.Even he did not take food and bath in his later life for livinghood.He always wandered here and there in his village before his leaving home.He left house when he was the boy of 12 years old.Though he did not take food and bath,he was healthy.


(iii) Floating in air:
                          Leaving house,Sri Sri Ramthakur alone came into Kamakhya Barhi and took Guru who advised him to go to the Himalayas with him(Guru).

(iv) Meditation in kowshik Ashram:
                                                   It is said that Sri Sri Ramthakur meditated sitting one of the three seats of Kowshik Ashram belonging to Tibbat.This Ashram lacks of oxygen.So ,ordianry people cannot breathe there.Who were other two saints?was not told.How many years was he there?was not told.To meditate in Kuowshik Ashram is possible only for Sri Sri Ramthakur in Kali Yuga as he is Almighty.

(v) Free from cold and hot:
                                      Sri Sri Ramthakur did not feel cold and hot.He wore only dhuti.He moved in cold and hot areas.He was seen in shilong to sit on a stone in the morning.

(vi) Asta Siddhi(Eight Powers):
                                     Sri Sri Ramthakur showed Astasiddhi but he was not proud of it.He said ,"it becomes".He did not use these powers for him.He used these powers for the benefits of his devotees.

(vii) Knowledge of mind:
                                Sri Sri Ramthakur knew the minds of people and took proper steps according to their mind with says and letters.Even he knew the matters of the remote places.He knew the past ,present and future.He could tell his disciples their previous lives.

(viii) Universality:
                           Sri Sri Ramthakur was universal truth.He had no birth and death.He met his devotees after his disappearance.He said, "I am always in my citrapot(photo).It is living and moving and speaking".It will be realished if anybody thinks of him deeply.

(ix) Gender:
                 Sri Sri Ramthakur did not belong to any gender.He was not man,woman or  neuter gender.He is Almighty.So,he was free from eating,sleeping ,fear and maithun(copulation) which are common to all living beings though he was seen to take small quantity of food which was only for the satisfaction of his devotee.Often he took prashad with looking(driti bhog).

(x) Food,Cloth and  Shelter:
                                 Sri Sri Ramthakur gives men food,cloth and shelter as they are happy getting these but he also gives them proper path ultimately by which they can free themsalves from these things along with birth and death which are nothing but the bondage of human life.

(xi) Quality:
                Sri Sri Ramthakur is free from three qualities- Twama,Raja and Satwa,but these are seen in the illusive men.He is also called sad guru; as, " Akama nityama bimalam chalam sarbada swaskhibhutam bhabatitam triguna rahitam sad guru twama namami".(Guru Gita)

The characteristics which have been stated above,prove that  Sri Sri Ramthakur is nothing but Purna Bramha Abatar or God in Kali Yuga.