
          Man who is under eating,sleeping,fear and copulation,prays to God for anything.This prayer is related to attachment to the material world.This attachment is not ultimate goal to human life according to Sanatan Dharma(Religion) as human life is obtained after 80 lakh youni(birth in sanskrit).Any kind of prayer for material thing or immateial thing is harmful if a man wants to actualise the real aim of mankind i.e. going to the world of God with peace/Nityananda.Though Sri Sri Ramthakur allows his devotees to pray to Sri Sri Satyanarayan for material thing,He saves them from the attachment ultimately as they themsalves realise that material attachment is illusive and sends them to the world of God.He opines that prayer is harmful and it is not the real aim of human life(Veda Bani...1/149...3/116)