According to Sanatan Dharma,mind which is created in heart,is 11th sense dominating all senses of human body.Sri Sri Ramthakur said,"Mana Karoti Papani,mana lipyate Patakai."(Veda Bani....1/339,343....2/76,217,....3/13,58,185)Mind does Sin i.e ,Sexual desire,desire,hatred,malice,lust,maximum sleeping,maximum eating.He who lives in mind ,is a sinner.He who is guided by mind,is a sinner.So,mind should be avoided if anybody wants to be free from sin.Sri Sri Ramthakur said," It is mungari(bud) when mind is inactive,it is Cinmay (soulful) when intelligence is inactive and it is Brahmanda when breath is stopped(Dr. G.P. DevRoy-Sri Sri Ramthakur Bhabanalok-1st part).
Mind will be inactive if nama is remembered.Then ,he is fully guided by God.